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Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a topical acid treatment that can be used to treat aging skin with fine lines, blotchiness (dyspigmentation), dullness, melasma, acne, and pigmented scarring. Physicians perform Vitalize and TCA peels.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

The application of medical acids causes damaged skin layers to peel off and promotes the growth of smoother and younger-looking skin.

When will I see results?

Initial results may appear 1 week after treatment, but it will take 1 month to attain the full effect from a chemical peel treatment.

Is there a recovery period?

Treated areas may appear pink or red for 1-2 days, and the outer layer of the skin may peel for 7-10 days.

Who performs the treatment?

Dr. Tina Alster and Dr. Neelam Khan (Board-Certified Dermatologists).

Book a consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists today to determine the best treatment plan for you.

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